

Our body needs vitamins. Without it, we are prone to stress, diseases and infections. While there is no dearth of vitamins and supplements in the market right now, choosing the right one that best supports overall health is not easy. Worst, it becomes even more difficult with the range of products to choose from. Which one should you really choose?

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Our body needs vitamins. Without it, we are prone to stress, diseases and infections. While there is no dearth of vitamins and supplements in the market right now, choosing the right one that best supports overall health is not easy. Worst, it becomes even more difficult with the range of products to choose from. Which one should you really choose?

Royale-C is one of the best vitamins you can include in your diet. It can be easily absorbed by your system since it is tummy-friendly and it is alkaline-non-acidic. But for most parts, it is dubbed as the mother of all vitamins.

Why take it?

Royale-C contains sodium ascorbate. Now, what makes it special? The thing is, GLO gene is not present in most people. Several studies proved that the nonexistence of this gene in our body makes us incapable to biosynthesize enzyme L-gulonolactone oxidase. It is a liver enzyme that converts blood glucose into ascorbate. In the cliché, its absence won’t allow our bodies to produce ascorbate.

When this happens, our teeth will start to fall out and our bones will dissolve that may lead to the development of cancer. This is where supplementation of ascorbate comes into the picture. When you take Royale-C daily, you are making up for this genetic defect thus helping you avoid any fatal health issues brought by insufficiency of sodium ascorbate.

Moreover, ascorbate is vital to the formation of hydroxyproline. It is a major piece of collagen which is an important structural protein in our system and vital to the structural veracity of our bodies. Ascorbate is also essential in keeping our bodies hale and hearty and fighting chronic diseases especially for pregnant women who need enough amount of ascorbate to keep themselves and their babies healthy.

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